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WATER CANNON #18 In a story similar to that of our own O'Malley it was noticed in our office that water cannon is also doing a world tour. It first came to our notice during Euro 2000 when it was used to wash rioting English football fans. We can't confirm reports that it was used on Turkish fans the following week. A few weeks later it was called into action on July 4 and 11 in Portadown, Northern Ireland against rioting citizens. The cannon is owned by the Belgian police force and is number 18. It is one of a fleet of heavy riot gear they own. The only answer we could get about its strength was that it would get you fairly wet. A Belgian official said of it "long may it rain". Cannon Number 18, we salute you. A cannon similar to Number 18 Have you Information on Water Cannon 18? Cregor News is looking for any information on Water Cannon Number 18. If you can help us in any way, please email us Here. |
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