2466 Randomers
RedBull Foxhunt 2017
Racing Seagull
Dublin Town
While most people are concerning themselves before turning to the euro, you can be on the ball with prices for unregulated (mostly dodgy) items. Paul Mc Grath may tell us how many euros we get for a pound but how much for concert ticket from a scalper, or for a dodgy e or bit of hash from some fly-guy down Temple Bar.We here at Cregornews.com have worked it out and the results are below.Print it off and give it to your mates as an educational aid for xmas -they'll thank you for it.
We listened to the Black Pearl Paul McGrath and used 1.27 euros to the £. Be wide to the adjustment (up when selling, down when buying) and always haggle for the best price. There are 100 cents in a euro.It's also worth considering if references to a monkey,pony, and score (£500, £25, and £20 respectively) will become E500 etc.or E635 and who will make this decision.
PARKING (from codger with cap and newspaper) | £1 | €1.27 |
BLUE MOVIE (from mate in work) | £6 | €7.62 |
BLUE MOVIE (from video shop) | £15 | €19.05 |
BLUE MOVIE (dvd) | £20 | €25.40 |
PLANNING FAVOUR (minimum) | £2000 | €2540 |
BEATING (two man gang) | £100 | €127 |
GOOD BEATING (four man gang) | £250 | €317.50 |
SHAG FROM BRASSER (Benburb St-rough) | £20 | €25.40 |
SHAG FROM BRASSER (Wilton Place-better looking) | £35 | €44.45 |
SHAG FROM BRASSER (brothel-cracker) | £160 | €203.20 |
RELIEF FROM RENTBOY (Stephens Green | £15 | €19.05 |
CD (copied by mate) | £4 | €5.08 |
CD (stolen) | £5 | €6.35 |
SPEED (wrap) | £10 | €12.70 |
MOBILE PHONE (no charger) | £25 | €31.75 |
WINDOWS WASHED (house by window cleaner | £12 | €15.24 |
WINDOWS WASHED (car by Romanian at lights) | £0 | €0 |
an E (in club) | £20 | €25.40 |
an E (from mate) | £10 | €12.70 |
COKE (dodgy-gram) | £60 | €76.20 |
COKE (rocket fuel-gram) | £80 | €101.60 |
HASH (quater) | £35 | €44.45 |
HASH (eight) | £20 | €25.40 |
HASH(ten spot) | £10 | €12.70 |
WINDOWS ME (copy) | £50 | €63.50 |
COMPANY CAR | £100 | €127 |
DRIVEWAY TARMACKED (by roper)*BARGIN* £ up front | £150 | €190.50 |
FINISH DRIVEWAY TARMACKED (after other boy legs it) | £250 | €317.50 |
LAPTOP (no password) | £400 | €508 |
CAR RADIO | Obselete | 0 |
CD PLAYER (portable) | £20 | €25.40 |
CD PLAYER (car) | £100 | €127 |
U2 TICKET@SLANE (first gig) | £200 | €254 |
U2 TICKET@SLANE (second gig) | £120 | €152.40 |
IRISH NEURTRALITY (donated by biffo) | £0 | $0 |